Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Goa visit to Northern Part

Thoughts on the road:

I need to make Sambar when I get back home. It's my favourite dish so far. The vindaloo in Goa is worth writing home about. Naan in Goa is 15 R, about 30 cents.

I need to cherish the memories of how I kept to myself yet people approached me on the Princesa de Goya and on the beach with the simple request of "One picture please", as if I were a VIP.

I need to remember how parents cherish their kids, especially the father-daughter connections, which I witnessed again and again.

Today's morning tour took us to the vicinity of yet another Portuguese heritage, the 17th century Fort Agua lighthouse, the jail nearby and the boat trip we took to see the grey dolphins (for an additional 200 R). We were able to see several sightings, but alas, I think I managed only one decent picture of a tail.

This was followed by a couple of stops at beaches which were overcrowded and so I stayed a little behind. I roamed around instead and bought a book by Naupal.

FYI: My fellow travellers and guide were all Indians; the guide was kind enough to translate for me where we were and what time to get back to the bus, always with a smile.

After the return to the hotel, I quickly took a shower to freshen up and packed. I checked out of my room, and then had lunch. I have several hours to kill before my 10pm train. I will arrive in Cochin tomorrow at about 2pm.

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