Monday, November 26, 2007

Day 5 - Leaving Canaima

As expected, the moon was bright again on Sunday evening, and we had a lovely dinner of local fish and vegetables.

On Monday, we all slept late and regained some strength after the 12 hour expedition, and decided to turn down the two hour tour of more waterfalls.

After breakfast we walked around the village and checked out the souvenirs. I picked up a lovely handmade basket and a wooden box with a ceramic tile on top.

After a quick lunch, we checked out of our campsite, and were given departing gifts of a necklace each and a musical instrument. We arrived at the airport and boarded a six seater plane which took us to Puerto Ordaz (Ciudad Guyana) an hour and a half later. We encountered some rain for a short while in the air and some wind but the flight was otherwise comfortable.

At the Puerto Ordaz airport we met up with the same folks who had taken the flight with us to Canaima and got to know each other better as inclement weather delayed our flight to Caracas. Luckily traffic back to the city was a breeze.

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